The list

Health [1]

001. Take off my wisdom teeth (2/3) [1][2]
002. Drink 1,5L of water per day for one entire week [1][2][3]
003. Be able to make 200 sit-ups [1][2]
004. Be able to make 200 squats [1][2][3][4]
005. Be able to make 100 push-ups [1][2]
006. Power-walk at least 143 times (~1 per week) (14/143) [1]
007. One week without elevator
008. Vegetables/fruits and water fast for 1 day
009. Achieve 55 kg
010. Achieve 25% of fat
011. Try meditation [1]
012. Spend one week on the beach doing nothing (de-stressing!)

Grow Up! [1]

013. Get the drivers' licence
014. Get an A [1]
015. Graduate
016. Make a visual CV [1]
017. Contact someone in the PR/marketing department [1]
018. Move out [1]
019. Get a job [1][2]
020. Create a budget
021. Start to save for a house
022. Start to save for retirement

BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) [1]

023. Be a participant in a BEST Course [1][2]
024. Be in LBG Faro Algarve's first Summer Course (LBG - Local BEST Group) [1] [2]
025. See LBG Faro Algarve become a full member of BEST
026. Go to a conference [1]
027. Become alumna of BEST (1/2) [1]

Travelling [1]

028. Go to GerĂªs
029. Go to Sintra
030. Go to Porto
031. Go to Coimbra
032. Go to Tomar
033. Go to Braga
034. Go on a Safari in Alentejo
035.  Camping on Tavira Island
036. Go to Madeira
037. Go to Azores
038. Go back to Barcelona [1][2]
039. Go back to Istanbul
040. Go to Africa
041. Take my mom to Rome
042. Go to Greece
043. Swim in two different seas or oceans (Atlantic doesn't count)
044. See the midnight sun
045. See the northern lights
046. Cross Asia in the Trans-Siberian

Culture [1]

047. Find a library and get a card [1][2]
048. Read 34 new books (~1 per month) (16/34) [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]
049. Have an entire conversation in Spanish [1]
050. Have an entire conversation in French
051. Find out all the free museums in Lisbon [1]
052. Visit all free museums in Lisbon (1/18)
053. Go to the Opera
054. Watch The Nutcracker (ballet)
055. Watch 34 new movies (22/34) [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]
056. Watch stand up comedy
057. Go to a Medieval Fair


058. Buy a digital camera [1]
059. Learn proper Photoshop (or similar) [1][2]
060. Find a photograhy course [1][2]
061. Do a "26 things" challenge [1]
062. Finish, at least, 3 Weekend Projects in DIY Photography (0/3)
063. Sell at least one photo in iStockphoto

Completelly Random![1][2][3]

064. Keep a blog for the entire 1001 days [1]
065.  Make a piece of clothe from scratch
066. Start and maintain a blog not related with 101 in 1001 [1]
067. Go to an amusement park (with roller coaster) [1]
068. Build a snowman
069. Get a 500$ bill from Cape Vert (my great grand uncle is there!)
070. Have a ride in a helicopter
071. Try out 14 different origami
072. Wake up at 6AM for a week in a row
073. Write a shortstory
074. Organize my favourite movies in my external hard drive [1]
075. Try belly-dancing
076. Spend one weekend without cellphone, television or computer [1]
077. Skiing
078. Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find [1]
079. Learn how to cook 34 new dishes (10/34) [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]
080. List 100 things that make me happy
081. Skydive
082. Make a list of 100 things I'm good at (to remind me on dark days)
083. Send a message in a bottle
084. Do an inventory of all my clothes and accessories [1][2]
085. Kiss in the rain
086. Archery class
087. Try 34 foods or drinks I never tried before (X/34) [1][2][3]
088. Try toastmasters
089. Contact 3 old friends with whom I lost contact
090. See a whale
091. Swim on a waterfall
092. Ride a hot air baloon
093. Birthday dinner
094. Sell something on the internet
095. Knit something
096. Get rid of a bad habit [1][2]
097. Try geocaching: find 34!
098. Ice skating
099. Organize all my digital photos [1]
100. Meet Olya for the first time
101. Visit my Grandma's grave [1]